I have a X8STI-F system. I want to delete some system health items in IPMI that I do not want to monitor. I have tried the SDREDIT tool bit it does not work. Please advice.
Please make sure you update the IPMI firmware. If you still have the issue, you can use the following commands to delete the item.
> ipmitool sdr elist -> this is to get sensor number of the device.

For example, Sensor number of FAN1 is 0x0e. Our record number is usually = sensor number + 1
> ipmitool –H [IP address] –U ADMIN –P ADMIN raw 0x0a 0x22 -> this is to get the reservation ID. e.g. Return value: 47 00 -> reservation ID
> ipmitool –H [IP address] –U ADMIN –P ADMIN raw 0x0a 0x26 0x47 0x00 0x0f 0x00 -> this is to delete the SDR. e.g. Return value: 0f 00 -> record ID
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03/18/10 JL

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