I have SuperMicro A1SRM-2758F. I updated BIOS . Now, BIOS stopped "system initializing... 91". I can't enter setup BIOS. BIOS loaded, but indefinitely loaded on stage "system initializing... 91". I was waiting more than 10 minutes. But before BIOS showed "system initializing... 91", I heared sound - the sound of a successful load. What should i do?
Please try to recover the BIOS …

Steps to recover the BIOS

Please re-flash this bios using the bios recovery procedure with ctrl-home.
Note: during flashing it is possible you will see nothing on the screen

1. Copy the files you downloaded to USB STICK

2. RENAME the .[number] file to SUPER.ROM in capital letter

3. Insert USB stick on the mainboard

4. First keep CTRL + HOME keys pressed then power on the system

5. Wait for mainboard to beep, then release CTRL + Home keys (or keep them pressed is also ok)

6. Wait for 5 minutes, if system does not reboot automatically then do this manually

Tip: Use a USB stick with activity led, so you can see if there is activity.
When this procedure is not working, try the same procedure accept point 4: First power on, then press CTRL + HOME.
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