What's the meaning for HW_ALL, SW_ALL and SW-ANY under BIOS.
This(PSD, P-State Dependency) actually is defined in ACPI SPEC. It’s basically about how to coordinate the P-State transition of processors.

Here are the descriptions: In SW_ANY mode, the OS Power Manager (OSPM) is responsible for coordinating the P-state among logical processors with dependencies (all Logical Processors in a package) and may initiate the transition on any of those Logical Processors in the domain. The expectation from the OSPM is that transitions initiated on any logical processor in a specific domain will force a transition on all logical processors in that domain.

Thus the OSPM is only required to initiate a single transition per processor SW_ALL -- In SW_ALL mode, the OS Power Manager (OSPM) is responsible for coordinating the P-state among logical processors with dependencies (all logical processors logical processors in a physical package) and must initiate the transition on all of those Logical Processors. The expectation from the OSPM is that transitions must be initiated on every logical processor in a specific domain in order to force a transition on all logical processors in that domain. HW_ALL – In HW_ALL mode, the processor hardware is responsible for coordinating the P-state among logical processors with dependencies (all logical processors in a package). The OS is responsible for keeping the P-state requests up to date on all logical processors. HW_ALL mode is the most likely recommendation for all BIOS supporting the Haswell server processor.
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