How to install Intel SST(Smart Sound Technology) driver on X12STN(TGL)?
Intel SST(Smart Sound Technology) driver not support installer so need to install it manually.
#01_Need to install the SST(Smart Sound Technology) driver manually several times and before Realtek driver installation.
#02_Choose the Production folder in the SST driver always(if applicable).

There are both Non-Production and Production folder in the SST, choose the Production folder for driver installation always to avoid below error symptom.
This device cannot start. (Code 10) Configuration mismatch (production/engineering).

Below test results tested on the X12STN-H(TGL) and may change on the different project.
# original status
Multimedia Audio Controller (Code 28) \\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A0C8&SUBSYS_1C2415D9&REV_20

# after install the SST(Smart Sound Technology) driver manually several times.
Multimedia Audio Controller -> Intel(R) Smart Sound Technology (Intel(R) SST) Audio Controller
Intel High Definition DSP -> Intel(R) Smart Sound Technology (Intel(R) SST) OED
Detection Verification -> Detection Verification
Digital microphone device -> Intel® Smart Sound Technology for Digital Microphones
SoundWire device-> Intel® Smart Sound Technology for MIPI SoundWire® Audio
USB device -> Intel® Smart Sound Technology for USB Audio

# Hardware ID info which may change accoording to the project.
Multimedia Audio Controller(Code 28) \\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A0C8&SUBSYS_1C2415D9&REV_20
Intel High Definition DSP (Code 28) \\ INTELAUDIO\DSP_CTLR_DEV_A0C8&VEN_8086&DEV_0222&SUBSYS_1C2415D9&REV_0020
Detection Verification \\ {DD8E82AE-334B-49A2-AEAE-AEB0FD5C40DD}\DetectionVerification
Digital microphone device \\ INTELAUDIO\CTLR_DEV_A0C8&LINKTYPE_02&DEVTYPE_00&VEN_8086&DEV_AE20&SUBSYS_1C2415D9&REV_0001
SoundWire device \\ INTELAUDIO\CTLR_DEV_A0C8&LINKTYPE_05&DEVTYPE_05&VEN_8086&DEV_AE35&SUBSYS_1C2415D9&REV_0001

# for below item please install the Realtek Audio driver.
Intel High Definition Audio \\ INTELAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0888&SUBSYS_15D91C24&REV_1003
Intel High Definition Audio -> Realtek High Definition Audio(SST)

# for below item please install the Intel graphic driver which includes the Audio driver.
Intel High Definition Audio \\ INTELAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_8086&DEV_2812&SUBSYS_80860101&REV_1000
Intel High Definition Audio -> HD Audio Driver for Display Audio

# Additional info.
(Code 28)
The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
There are no compatible drivers for this device.
To find a driver for this device, click Update Driver.
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