I have two Celeron 850 processors. My mo therboard only supports up to 800 and I get a microcode error. The jumpers on the motherboard only offer an 8x core bus ratio setting. Will a BIOS flash upgrade allow me to run two 850's on this mo therboard?
All Coppermine core processors have the CPU multiplier leads hardwired internally so external CPU Multiplier jumper settings are not required. I will give the table anyway, but your issue is Celeron processors are not multi-processing (Single Processing Systems only). Take out one processor and make sure JP11 is either off or set to pins 1-2 for auto. The microcode issue may or may not go away if you flash the BIOS to revision 3.1, why I say may or may not is we do not program the BIOS with microcode for processors out of spec. Celeron processors are uni-processing and we only put in Pentium II/III microcode since they are multi-processing processors. Now if the microcode just so happens to be the same as your Celerons then you will not get the error, but we do not purposely include the microcode.

Please download the newest BIOS from our web site, support, and BIOS download area. YOU MUST KNOW what version of motherboard you have.

If your motherboard has four PCI slots then it is reversion 1.x which shares the same BIOS with the P6DBS motherboard.
If your motherboard has five PCI slots then it is a revision 2.x or 3.x which has its own BIOS.

Jumper Settings for 440LX/BX/GX motherboards:

core/bus ratioJB4JB3JB2JB1Binary/Hex Value
X 3.0ONONOFFON(0010) = 2
X 3.5ONONOFFOFF(0011) = 3
X 4.0ONOFFONON(0100) = 4
X 4.5ONOFFONOFF(0101) = 5
X 5.0ONOFFOFFON(0110) = 6
X 5.5ONOFFOFFOFF(0111) = 7
X 6.0OFFONONON(1000) = 8
X 6.5OFFONONOFF(1001) = 9
X 7.0OFFONOFFON(1010) = A
X 7.5OFFONOFFOFF(1011) = B
X 8.0OFFOFFONON(1100) = C
X 8.5OFFOFFONOFF(1101) = D
X 9.0OFFOFFOFFON(1110) = E
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