How do I enable Turbo mode to get the maximum Turbo mode speed on my X10DRi motherboard?
Please make sure the following settings are correct:

1. Please make sure all cores are enabled: Advanced >> CPU Configuration >> Core enabled >> “0” to enable all cores.

2. Under the Bios setup go to: Advanced >> CPU Configuration >> Advanced Power Management and make sure the setting are as follows:
Power Technology >> Custom

Energy performance Tuning >> disable

Energy performance BIAS setting >> performance

Energy efficient turbo >> disable

3. Then go to Advanced >> CPU Configuration >> Advanced Power Management >> CPU P state control and make sure the settings are as follows
EIST (P-States) >> Enable

Turbo mode >> enable

P-state coordination >> HW_ALL

4. Then Advanced >> CPU Configuration >> Advanced Power Management >> CPU C state control and make sure the setting are as follows.
Package C-state limit >> C0/C1 state

CPU C3 Report >>disable

CPU C6 report >> enable

Enhanced Halt state >> disable

5. Save the changes and exit and now you should be able to get the Max Turbo mode speed.

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